Foster + Svensson selects Raiffeisen Bank as its new financial institution and change its current bank account number
From the beginning of August 2024, Foster + Svensson started using a new current account number in a new business bank, which is used for transactions with its local and international business partners and clients. Selected bank is a member of Raiffeisen Bank International AG (WBAG: RBI).
Video: Raiffeisen Bank International AG.
As its new financial business partner, Foster + Svensson selects Raiffeisen Bank, where the current account number will be changed to 265-1100310088331-60. As digitization and automation are extremely important to us, the solution offered by Raiffeisen Bank, together with the integration of the SEF (e-Invoice system), will enable us to track all transactions faster and more simply, as well as to more easily connect our internal systems with the processing and analysis of wire transactions.

Photo: Raiffeisen Bank International AG.
By changing the bank, we want to facilitate internal processes, as well as to have greater digital independence. Foster + Svensson is proud to represent one of the leaders in digital business, where we have established a fully online business environment from day one and adopted an instant payment system (ISP) as the basis for all transactions we implement within the Fosterova grupa, of which we are part.
In accordance with the aforementioned changes regarding the introduction of a new bank into our system, the “Privacy policy” and “Terms and conditions” have been updated by adding information about the new bank, just like the entire business documentation is being updated, including the “Company data” page.
Precision, consistency and transparency are the basis of our business culture, and we take every activity responsibly and do not make compromises in our work. We expect the same from our partners, considering that we have set it as a basic standard that we want to be adopted, in order to be a company which demonstrates example of good business practice and excellence in work. Foster + Svensson aims to be a flagship company in Serbia, which will be a role model of corporate sustainability and high business standards by supporting local economy and people wellbeing.
Photo and video copyright © Raiffeisen Bank International AG.
People culture at Foster + Svensson
At Foster + Svensson we nurture and foster creativity and work-life balance. We believe that people get most of ideas outside of work, while being inspired at any place. Most of the ideas are coming out during open discussions too, which are human, more appealing and have greater impact than the one imposed. Therefore we foster friendly environment at work, so we allow our employees to explore client brands and products more deeply, than just getting the brief from them. From point of being creatively amazed, to point of being punctual towards client. Free to wonder, yet disciplined in work.
We also highlight the importance of constant informing and educating ourselves, either by upgrading formal education, or by workshops, trainings, conferences accessing and reading high quality literature, visiting museums, galleries, exhibitions, theatres, and events. That is why we encourage people at Foster + Svensson to read books, magazines and articles about art, design, architecture, history, people, photography, popular culture, lifestyle, finance, travel, graphics, decorative arts, science, medicine, pharmacy and technology, but also to educate and update ourselves on client industries, latest trends, reports, and news. Such information we collect, we use for upgrading ourselves in a process of constant exploration and learning, where we set future foundations in the industry we work.
Foster + Svensson is an award-winning European branding, communications, and advertising agency with heritage back in 1860 and incorporated in 2013 in Serbia, who put forward well-considered contemporary design, digital and innovation. Operating worldwide as part of Fosterova grupa, Foster + Svensson is positioned as professional services company, providing broad range of services and solutions in area of marketing. Having bold experience and specialized skills in more than 20 industries, agency provides services to all company sizes. People at Foster + Svensson design brands, use digital technology, data, and strategy to create contemporary visual identities, services, and experiences to help corporate clients improve their performance and manage sustainable business value for stakeholders. Foster + Svensson design and drive innovation to improve the way world works and lives. Agency approach is to be precise, punctual, and reliable to its clients, where it ran more than 2000 projects while working for major companies to be found in Fortune Global 500 and top-tier companies, such as HVB Bank, UniCredit Bank, Telenor Group, Ericsson, Apple, Vodafone Group, A1 Telekom Austria Group, RTS, Samsung, Cheil, Huawei, Hisense, Ahold Delhaize, Procter & Gamble, Richter Gedeon, AstraZeneca, Banca Intesa, Raiffeisen Bank, Mastercard, Inditex, Zara, Renault Group. Work culture and ethics includes business excellence and delivery of outperforming results.
Foster + Svensson in one of the founders of MAI Marina Abramović Institute.